S&P 500 Performance from Inauguration Day

S&P 500 Performance from Inauguration Day Chart showing the S&P 500 performance across different presidencies, from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. From 1928 to 2019, S&P 500 annual returns were positive 72% of the time. Image: Financial Times

Prediction for U.S. GDP Growth from Q42020 to Q42021

Prediction for U.S. GDP Growth from Q42020 to Q42021 32 leading academic economists do not see significantly higher GDP growth under Donald Trump or Joe Biden, as long as the current control of Congress remains the same. Image: BofA

Dow Jones Performance Under Various U.S. Presidents

Dow Jones Performance Under Various U.S. Presidents This chart puts into perspective the Dow Jones performance under various U.S. presidents. The annualized return under President Trump is high, given tightening monetary policy. Image: Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial LLC

U.S. Job Growth by President

U.S. Job Growth by President Chart suggesting that President Trump is an “average” president on job growth. Image: Scotiabank Economics