Does Berkshire Hathaway Still Have a Market-Beating Advantage Over the Long Run?

Does Berkshire Hathaway Still Have a Market-Beating Advantage Over the Long Run? We can ask ourselves if Berkshire Hathaway does still have a market-beating advantage over the long run, because Warren Buffett expects a very modest outperformance vs. the market over the next decade. But he can’t guarantee that, of course. Image: Financial Times

Berkshire Hathaway VP Charlie Munger on investing

Berkshire Hathaway VP Charlie Munger on investing Billionaire Charlie Munger, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, speaks with Becky Quick about the US and China relationship, politics, life, …

Watch Warren Buffett’s full interview with CNBC’s Becky Quick

Watch Warren Buffett’s full interview with CNBC’s Becky Quick In this interview, Warren Buffett speaks about rail road, Berkshire Hathaway, economic slowdown, yield curve, recession, stock vs. bond, airlines & automotive industry, capitalism, inequality, benefits of free trade, IPOs, entertainment industry, Apple, American Express, Wells Fargo, real estate commission, philanthropy with 2% of GDP, odds,…

Investing Idol Worship: The Kraft Heinz Lesson

Investing Idol Worship: The Kraft Heinz Lesson Aswath Damodaran expresses his opinions on Kraft Heinz acquired by Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital. The lesson is quite simple: Warren Buffett is human and can make mistakes. So, nobody should be put him on a pedestal and follow him blindly.

Watch CNBC’s full interview with iconic investor Warren Buffett

Watch CNBC’s full interview with iconic investor Warren Buffett Warren Buffett, one of the greatest value investors of all time, is the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He speaks about his investment strategy with Becky Quick on CNBC.

LIVE: Charlie Munger Speaks at Daily Journal Annual Meeting

LIVE: Charlie Munger Speaks at Daily Journal Annual Meeting Charlie Munger, the Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and the Chairman of the Daily Journal, speaks at the newspaper’s annual meeting.