U.S. Dollar and President Trump

U.S. Dollar and President Trump This chart shows the correlation between the U.S. dollar and President Trump’s approval ratings Image: TD securities

Trump Tweets by Topic

Trump Tweets by Topic Is President Trump worried about impeachment? His tweets are now focused on the ‘witch hunt’ and democrats. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

President Trump Tweets Contribute to Market Volatility

President Trump Tweets Contribute to Market Volatility President Trump’s tweets during his first term had a significant impact on financial markets, often contributing to increased volatility and creating both risks and opportunities for traders. Image: Bloomberg

S&P 500 Performance by President, from Reagan to Trump

S&P 500 Performance by President, from Reagan to Trump For President Trump, the stock market is a scorecard. This chart shows the S&P 500 performance across different presidencies, from Reagan to Trump. Image: Deutsche Bank