U.S. Population Growth

U.S. Population Growth U.S. population growth is slowing to its lowest rate, due to in large part to aging population. Improvements to immigration policies would greatly help the U.S. economy. Image: TD Bank Financial Group

U.S. Dollar and S&P 500 Equity Risk Premium

U.S. Dollar and S&P 500 Equity Risk Premium Higher bond yields reduce the S&P 500 equity risk premium, which weakens the U.S. dollar. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

U.S. IPO Activity

U.S. IPO Activity Chart showing the fall in new listings, while WeWork’s abandoned IPO. Image: Financial Times

Percentage Point Contributions to U.S. Real GDP Growth

Percentage Point Contributions to U.S. Real GDP Growth Positive contributions from government spending contributed 1.67% points to real GDP in the first three quarters of 2019. That’s the highest since 2009. Image: Ned Davis Research

U.S. Consumer Confidence and CEO Confidence

U.S. Consumer Confidence and CEO Confidence The trade war keeps weighing on CEO confidence, which is near record lows, while consumer confidence has remained relatively strong. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Private Sector Debt

Private Sector Debt Private sector debt is high in China, extremely high in Sweden, and continues to rise. Source: Gavekal

Demographics – Labor Force Growth and Term Premium

Demographics – Labor Force Growth and Term Premium Chart suggesting that growth in the labor force could explain the term premium. The term premium is the risk premium (or the bonus) that investors receive for…

U.S. Energy Balance Leads Oil-Dollar Correlation

U.S. Energy Balance Leads Oil-Dollar Correlation Interesting chart suggesting that the U.S. real energy balance leads the oil-dollar correlation by three years. Image: Oxford Economics, Macrobond