Owning the Highest-Cap S&P 500 Stock

Owning the Highest-Cap S&P 500 Stock This chart suggests that investing all of your money in the highest-capitalized S&P 500 stock is not a good idea and may result in underperforming the S&P 500 index.…

U.S. Employment Outlook

U.S. Employment Outlook The outlook of U.S. employment continues to improve. In Q4 2019, 22% of U.S. employers plan to add to payrolls, 5% expect a decrease and 72% expect no change. Image: ManpowerGroup

U.S. Total Home Sales

U.S. Total Home Sales This year, lower mortgage rates could boost U.S. home sales in the fourth quarter. Image: Leonard Kiefer

U.S. Hard Data and Soft Data

U.S. Hard Data and Soft Data U.S. hard data is improving. But the chart still shows the large divergence between U.S. hard data and soft data. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

China as a Percent of Global GDP

China as a Percent of Global GDP China is the world’s second largest economy, contributing 15.86% to global GDP in 2018. The United States remains the world’s largest economy, contributing 23.9% to global GDP. Image: Bloomberg,…