Historical S&P 500 December Returns

Historical S&P 500 December Returns December 2018 was the worst december for U.S. equities since the Great Depression. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Cyclicals/Defensives vs. ISM Manufacturing PMI

U.S. Cyclicals/Defensives vs. ISM Manufacturing PMI Chart showing the large divergence between U.S. cyclicals/defensives and the ISM Manufacturing PMI. Eventually, the gap should close soon. Image: Topdown Charts

Economists and U.S. Recession

Economists and U.S. Recession More than 30% of economists predict a U.S. recession by 2020. Are economists good at predicting recessions? Image: The Wall Street Journal

STOXX Europe 600 EPS Revisions

STOXX Europe 600 EPS Revisions This year, SXXP EPS revisions have not been worse than a typical year. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research