Foreign Bank Assets and Loans in China

Foreign Bank Assets and Loans in China This interesting chart shows that foreign banks have a very small footprint in China. Image: Institute of International Finance

Household Debt to GDP by Country

Household Debt to GDP by Country This chart shows a global view of household debt as a percent of GDP. Households of Australia, Netherlands and Canada are the most indebted in the world. Image: Oxford…

Hard Economic Data

Hard Economic Data Hard economic data is improving in Eurozone, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the United States. Image: Arbor Research & Trading

IPO Relative Performance in 2019

IPO Relative Performance in 2019 The IPO market is suffering in 2019. This year’s IPO class is one of the least profitable. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

MSCI Eurozone vs. MSCI U.S.

MSCI Eurozone vs. MSCI U.S. This chart shows the large divergence between the MSCI Eurozone Index and the MSCI U.S. Index. Is this an opportunity to increase exposure to eurozone equities? Image: Financial Times

Currency Sensitivity vs. VIX

Currency Sensitivity vs. VIX If VIX spikes, this chart suggests that investors should be long yen. Image: Nordea and Macrobond

The U.S. Dollar’s 15-Year Cycles

The U.S. Dollar’s 15-Year Cycles The chart suggests that the cycle in U.S. dollar from peak to peak is about 15 years on average. Image: Financial Times

Cash in Circulation in Various Countries

Cash in Circulation in Various Countries The use of cash has decreased significantly in Sweden. The first cashless society? Image: Nordea and Macrobond

US-China Trade War and Past Major Trade Conflicts

US-China Trade War and Past Major Trade Conflicts In the past, tariffs were in place for long periods of time. The US-China trade war is hitting global growth, by his importance, size and scope. Image:…