S&P 500 Forecast for 2020

S&P 500 Forecast for 2020 Goldman Sachs forecasts a price-target for the S&P 500 at 3400 by year-end 2020, and a downside scenario at 2600 depending on tariffs and the US election result. Image: Goldman…

Broad Trade-Weighted U.S. Dollar Forecast

Broad Trade-Weighted U.S. Dollar Forecast Chart suggesting that the U.S. dollar is expected to weaken in 2020, as global economic activity improves. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Dollar Debt in Emerging Markets

U.S. Dollar Debt in Emerging Markets This chart shows the wall of dollar debt in emerging markets over the next decade. Image: Financial Times

U.S. High Yield Credit Spreads and Recessions

U.S. High Yield Credit Spreads and Recessions Chart suggesting that there is little recession fear baked into U.S. high yield credit spreads at the moment. Image: J.P. Morgan

U.S. Corporate Leverage

U.S. Corporate Leverage U.S. corporate leverage is high and close to its previous peak on a net debt to EBITDA. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Gold Price and Central Bank Gold Sales & Purchases

Gold Price and Central Bank Gold Sales & Purchases Chart suggesting that gold purchases from central banks have contributed to the rise in gold prices. An R² of 0.85 (since 2004) is quite high and…