Share of Total U.S. Equity Trading

Share of Total U.S. Equity Trading Are stock pickers an endangered species? Only one-tenth of the US equity market’s trading volumes comes from fundamental equity investors. Image: Financial Times

S&P 500 and Mini-Cycles

S&P 500 and Mini-Cycles Chart suggesting that market participants have started to take into account the start of a fourth mini-cycle. Image: Societe Generale Cross Asset Research

A Long-Term History of Debt and Inflation in the U.S.

A Long-Term History of Debt and Inflation in the U.S. This chart puts debt and inflation in perspective. MMT could lead to high inflation and financial repression, as in the 1940s. Image: Fidelity Investments

Global Growth Outlook (Global GDP)

Global Growth Outlook (Global GDP) Goldman Sachs is optimistic and expects global growth to rise to 3.4% in 2020. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Equity Market Outperformance

U.S. Equity Market Outperformance According to Gavekal, U.S. outperformance is mainly cyclical, not structural, and best investment opportunities could be in non-US assets. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond