Global Nominal GDP and Corporate Profits

Global Nominal GDP and Corporate Profits This chart shows the correlation and the slowdown in global growth and corporate profits. Historically, margin pressures have preceded the start of recessions. Image: J.P. Morgan

U.S. Consumer vs. Corporate Debt

U.S. Consumer vs. Corporate Debt This chart puts interest rates on non-prime consumer credit accounts into perspective vs. CCC corporate bonds. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Demographics and Interest Rates

Demographics and Interest Rates Interesting chart suggesting that demographics explain bond yields. Image: Fidelity Investments

Home Prices Lead U.S. Consumption

Home Prices Lead U.S. Consumption This chart suggests that home prices lead U.S. consumption by 9 months. Image: Nordea, Sebastian Dypbukt Källman

U.S. 10-Year Yield Leads Global PMI

U.S. 10-Year Yield Leads Global PMI This interesting chart suggests that the U.S. 10-year yield (2-year change) leads global PMI by 18 months. Source: Macrobond and Brandywine Global

Global Real Yields Since 1805

Global Real Yields Since 1805 Negative real yields are an “opportunity” for any government to refinance their debt. Image: Deutsche Bank