S&P 500 Index Total Returns — 108 Years
S&P 500 Index Total Returns — 108 Years Over the past 108 years, the S&P 500 has generated positive annual returns more than 72% of the time. Image: Wells Fargo Investment Institute
S&P 500 Index Total Returns — 108 Years Over the past 108 years, the S&P 500 has generated positive annual returns more than 72% of the time. Image: Wells Fargo Investment Institute
ISM Manufacturing Index and HY-IG Spread This chart shows the correlation between the ISM Manufacturing Index and the HY-IG spread. Image: Oxford Economics, Macrobond
Is the Worst Over for Global Manufacturing PMI? The global manufacturing PMI shows the first monthly increase, after PMI ended 15 consecutive months of decline. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
The European Central Bank (ECB) Balance Sheet Interesting chart showing the ECB balance sheet, component of the Eurosystem. Image: Goldman Sachs
Total U.S. Treasury Holdings by Foreigners Japan and China are the two major foreign holders of U.S. Treasury securities. And currently, Japan surpasses China. Image: Bianco Research
Imports of Saudi Arabian Crude Oil In 2018, the U.S. imported $21.9 billion of crude oil from Saudi Arabia. Image: The Washington Post
Share Buybacks in China Chinese companies are buying back record amounts of stocks. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Market Capitalization of Listed Companies This nice visualization shows the U.S. stock market capitalization compared to the rest of the world. Image: howmuch.net
Relative Performance of MSCI World Factors In the last two weeks, the shift to value stocks may indicate that investors expect rates to rise. Image: Financial Times
U.S. Housing Forecasts The 12-month forecast suggests that housing starts, building permits and home sales are on the rise. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC
The World’s Biggest Oil Producers The U.S. is the first-largest producer of oil in the world, accounting for 16.2% of all production in 2018, and has surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia. Image: Statista