U.S. Market Valuation

U.S. Market Valuation Chart suggesting that the U.S. stock market seems expensive in a number of ways. Image: Paolo Cardena

U.S. Domiciled Funds: Active vs. Passive

U.S. Domiciled Funds: Active vs. Passive Record passive inflows suggest passive equity funds will surpass active in the coming years. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch US Equity & US Quant Strategy

Stock of Broad Money Around the World

Stock of Broad Money Around the World This chart shows how much money is in circulation around the world. China has the most money in circulation, followed by the U.S.. Image: howmuch.net

U.S. Zombie Companies and Fed Ended QE

U.S. Zombie Companies and Fed Ended QE Since the Fed ended QE, U.S. zombie companies have underperformered the market. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

U.S. vs. China Trade Balance and Treasury Holdings

U.S. vs. China Trade Balance and Treasury Holdings China’s Treasuries holdings drop, while the U.S.-China trade balance shrinks very slightly amid the trade war. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research

Gold Reserves by Country

Gold Reserves by Country The United States has the largest gold reserve, followed by Germany. Image: IMF

Rotation from U.S. Stocks to Rest-of-World

Rotation from U.S. Stocks to Rest-of-World The rotation from U.S. stocks to cheaper global stocks continues, reaching $123 billion recently. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch Global Investment Strategy