S&P 500 Index Total Returns — 108 Years

S&P 500 Index Total Returns — 108 Years Over the past 108 years, the S&P 500 has generated positive annual returns more than 72% of the time. Image: Wells Fargo Investment Institute

ISM Manufacturing Index and HY-IG Spread

ISM Manufacturing Index and HY-IG Spread This chart shows the correlation between the ISM Manufacturing Index and the HY-IG spread. Image: Oxford Economics, Macrobond

Is the Worst Over for Global Manufacturing PMI?

Is the Worst Over for Global Manufacturing PMI? The global manufacturing PMI shows the first monthly increase, after PMI ended 15 consecutive months of decline. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Total U.S. Treasury Holdings by Foreigners

Total U.S. Treasury Holdings by Foreigners Japan and China are the two major foreign holders of U.S. Treasury securities. And currently, Japan surpasses China. Image: Bianco Research

Imports of Saudi Arabian Crude Oil

Imports of Saudi Arabian Crude Oil In 2018, the U.S. imported $21.9 billion of crude oil from Saudi Arabia. Image: The Washington Post

Share Buybacks in China

Share Buybacks in China Chinese companies are buying back record amounts of stocks. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Market Capitalization of Listed Companies

Market Capitalization of Listed Companies This nice visualization shows the U.S. stock market capitalization compared to the rest of the world. Image: howmuch.net

Relative Performance of MSCI World Factors

Relative Performance of MSCI World Factors In the last two weeks, the shift to value stocks may indicate that investors expect rates to rise. Image: Financial Times

U.S. Housing Forecasts

U.S. Housing Forecasts The 12-month forecast suggests that housing starts, building permits and home sales are on the rise. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

The World’s Biggest Oil Producers

The World’s Biggest Oil Producers The U.S. is the first-largest producer of oil in the world, accounting for 16.2% of all production in 2018, and has surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia. Image: Statista