Baseline Equity Returns (5 Years)

Baseline Equity Returns (5 Years) Chart suggesting that high market valuations will affect equity returns in the coming years. Image: Oxford Economics

Risky Assets Performance and Global Manufacturing PMI

Risky Assets Performance and Global Manufacturing PMI Interesting chart suggesting that risky assets are currently following the typical path when global growth is bottoming. Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Distribution of U.S. Market Returns

Distribution of U.S. Market Returns Since 1926, annual returns between 20% and 30% are the most common. Year-to-date, the S&P 500 Index has gained 23%. Image: Center of Research in Security Prices

Survey – U.S. Recession Probability

Survey – U.S. Recession Probability U.S. recession fears are fading and U.S. credit investors now see a 21% chance of recession over the next 12 months. It was 25% in September. Image: BofA Credit Investor…

S&P 500 First Week of November to Year-End Return

S&P 500 First Week of November to Year-End Return Interesting chart suggesting that the return from 11/5 to the end of this year could be around 4%, and the S&P 500 Index above 3,200. Image:…

Gold Funds Weekly Flows

Gold Funds Weekly Flows Chart showing that gold funds have not yet seen any meaningful outflows. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research