Global Bond Fund Flows

Global Bond Fund Flows Over the past 3 months, investors have injected $160bn into bond funds, fearing a global recession. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch

Allocation to Cash and Recession Probability

Allocation to Cash and Recession Probability This chart shows the correlation between allocation to cash and the NY Fed 12-month ahead recession probability indicator. Image: Barclays Research

S&P 500 Median Stock Net Leverage

S&P 500 Median Stock Net Leverage Net leverage of the median S&P 500 companies reached new highs, above 1.8. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Overtime Hours Lead U.S. Nonfarm Payrolls

Overtime Hours Lead U.S. Nonfarm Payrolls Great chart suggesting that overtime hours lead U.S. nonfarm payrolls by 3 months (R = 0.90). Image: Paolo Cardena

Crypto Market Capitalization Percentages

Crypto Market Capitalization Percentages Bitcoin dominance is clearly on the rise and is now 69% of all cryptocurrency market capitalization. Image: CoinMarketCap

CS Global Risk Appetite Index

CS Global Risk Appetite Index The Credit Suisse Global Risk Appetite Index falls, but is not at panic level. Image: Credit Suisse