U.S. Stock-to-Bond Ratio Leads U.S. Real GDP

U.S. Stock-to-Bond Ratio Leads U.S. Real GDP Chart suggesting that the U.S. stock-to-bond ratio leads U.S. real GDP by 6 months, which could indicate higher GDP growth. Image: Alpine Macro

U.S. Employment Rate 55+

U.S. Employment Rate 55+ The U.S. employment rate of older workers is increasing in a long-term trend. Image: Ernie Tedeschi

Inequality – Wealth per Adult Around the World

Inequality – Wealth per Adult Around the World The U.S. with median wealth per adult at $65.9K, and Canada ($107K), are the wealthiest in the Western Hemisphere. Image: howmuch.net

EUR/USD and Real 10-Year Yield

EUR/USD and Real 10-Year Yield Chart showing EUR/USD against real 10-year yield differentials, which are a fundamental long-term factor for currency pairs. Image: Societe Generale Cross Asset Research