Sovereign Ratings Map

Sovereign Ratings Map Interesting map of sovereign ratings across the world in July 2019, using Moody’s ratings. Source: Moody’s Sovereign Ratings, Aswath Damodaran

Dividend Yield of S&P 500 Components

Dividend Yield of S&P 500 Components Yields on equities seem competitive vs. U.S. Treasuries, but equity risk does not disappear because a company pays a dividend. Image: Bespoke Investment Group

Oil Prices and OPEC Market Share

Oil Prices and OPEC Market Share OPEC’s market share is falling. Interesting chart showing oil prices and OPEC market share. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

S&P 500 Dividend Yield and 30-Year Treasury Bond

S&P 500 Dividend Yield and 30-Year Treasury Bond Are U.S. equities a “buy”? The dividend yield of the S&P 500 Index is now higher than the yield from a 30-year Treasury bond. This is a…