VIX and MOVE Correlation

VIX and MOVE Correlation Periods of high correlation between VIX and MOVE are not good for balanced portfolios, because diversification is hard to find. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

S&P 500 Forecast for 2019

S&P 500 Forecast for 2019 Goldman Sachs is holding its year-end price-target for the S&P 500 at 3100, and its downside scenario at 2620 (as of August 23, 2019). Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Average Tariff on All Imports

U.S. Average Tariff on All Imports A look at U.S. tariffs in the past and where they are today. Average U.S. tariffs were close to 1%, until President Trump decided to raise them. Image: BofA…

Valuation – U.S. Stock Market Capitalization-to-GDP

Valuation – U.S. Stock Market Capitalization-to-GDP The U.S. stock market capitalization-to-GDP is a general gauge of market valuation, but it’s not very useful for short-term market timing. Image: Bloomberg

S&P 500 Weekly Losing Streaks

S&P 500 Weekly Losing Streaks Currently, the S&P 500 is down 4 straight weeks. But the chart below shows that long weekly losing streaks are rare. Image: Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial LLC

Negative Yielding European Corporate Bonds

Negative Yielding European Corporate Bonds Now, €1.1 trillion of European corporate bonds yield are below zero: exactly half of the European high-grade credit market. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch

Central Bank Balance Sheet to GDP Ratios

Central Bank Balance Sheet to GDP Ratios Central bank balance sheet to GDP ratios, influenced by monetary policy, vary from one economy to another. Image: Bianco Research

Gold Sentiment at Annual High

Gold Sentiment at Annual High The gold price ‘risk radar’ index is flashing red (-2.1 standard deviations). Image: Sentix, Bloomberg Finance L.P.

Strong Dollar and Imports

Strong Dollar and Imports The chart shows that a stronger dollar depresses goods prices via imports. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research