U.S. Private Sector Yield Curve

U.S. Private Sector Yield Curve Currently, the U.S. private sector yield curve (20-year Baa bonds/bank prime rate) is the most inverted since October 2007. Image: GnS Economics

U.S. Monetary Policy and Recession

U.S. Monetary Policy and Recession This chart shows the U.S. monetary policy and two recession forecasting models over time (Fed policy rate, Atlanta Fed shadow Fed funds rate, nominal R-Star, Fed funds curve). Image: Fidelity…

Who Owns Different Countries’ Government Bonds?

Who Owns Different Countries’ Government Bonds? About 70% of the U.S. national debt is owned by domestic government, institutions investors and the Federal Reserve. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

Hedge Fund Portfolio Density and Turnover

Hedge Fund Portfolio Density and Turnover Hedge fund portfolio density has steadly increased, and fund turnover has declined over the past decade. High concentration risk can lead to high losses and affect the financial system.…

Total Negative Yielding Corporate Bonds Outstanding

Total Negative Yielding Corporate Bonds Outstanding Negative-yielding corporate debt passed $1 trillion in market value. Investors face significant risk should rates start to rise. Image: Bianco Research

U.S. Long-Term Budget Outlook

U.S. Long-Term Budget Outlook Large budget deficits over the next 30 years could boost federal debt to unprecedented levels. Image: Congressional Budget Office

Total Number of Governments since 1945

Total Number of Governments since 1945 Italy and France have the largest number of governments since 1945, while the U.S. and Luxembourg have the smallest number. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

A Hall of Mirrors in Monetary Policy?

A Hall of Mirrors in Monetary Policy? This chart suggests a feedback loop between bond market pricing and central bank decisions. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Excess Liquidity Growth Leads S&P 500 Returns

U.S. Excess Liquidity Growth Leads S&P 500 Returns This chart suggests that M2 money supply to nominal GDP ratio leads S&P 500 returns by one year. Is the S&P 500 vulnerable to a drop, followed…