Maximum Intra-Year Drawdown for the S&P 500
Maximum Intra-Year Drawdown for the S&P 500 Since 1950, the median maximum drawdown for the S&P 500 is -10.6% and the average is -13.5%. You may also like “S&P 500 Index Drawdowns From 2 Year…
Maximum Intra-Year Drawdown for the S&P 500 Since 1950, the median maximum drawdown for the S&P 500 is -10.6% and the average is -13.5%. You may also like “S&P 500 Index Drawdowns From 2 Year…
Maximum Drawdown vs. Annual S&P 500 Returns The annual return of the S&P 500 can be positive, even after a large drawdown. Image: Of Dollars And Data
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South Korean Exports vs. S&P 500 EPS Estimates The correlation between South Korean exports and S&P 500 EPS estimates suggests a weakness in S&P 500 earnings estimates. Image: Lohman Econometrics
10Y-3M Treasury Yield Spread Adjusted for QE and QT Adjusted for quantitative easing (QE) and quantitative tightening (QT), the 10-year minus 3-month yield curve may have inverted in December 2018. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
S&P 500 Recovery Since The Financial Crisis The chart shows that the S&P 500 has outperformed its historical recoveries since 2009. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
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S&P 500 – Secular Roadmaps The chart shows the S&P 500 projection based on average secular bull and the CAPE model. Image: Fidelity Investments
Central Bank Outlook Interesting chart showing how major central banks will change interest rates by the end of this year (projected interest-rate change). Picture Source: Bloomberg