Equity Volatility vs. Equity Allocation

Equity Volatility vs. Equity Allocation As equity volatility rises (inverted on the chart), equity allocations come down. You may alos like “The Yield Curve Leads VIX (Volatility) by Three Years.” Picture Source: Deutsche Bank

The Yield Curve Leads VIX (Volatility) by Three Years

The Yield Curve Leads VIX (Volatility) by Three Years Is more volatility expected ahead? This chart suggests that the CBOE Volatility Index or VIX usually follows the U.S. 10-year vs. 2-year Treasury spread (inverted) with…

Largest 1-Day Drops for the S&P 500 per Year

Largest 1-Day Drops for the S&P 500 per Year Yesterday, the S&P 500 fell by almost 3%. The average largest 1-day drop per year is -4.04% since 1928. Image: LPL Research

S&P 500 Quarterly Operating Earnings Expectations

S&P 500 Quarterly Operating Earnings Expectations Despite the earnings squeeze, the Fed’s dovish pivot and low interest rates should continue to support the stock market. Image: Bianco Research

America’s Student Debt by State

America’s Student Debt by State Student loan debt has more than tripled over the last decade to $1.5 trillion. You may also like “Distribution of Student Loan Borrowers by Balance.” Image: howmuch.net

Global Manufacturing PMI and MSCI World Index

Global Manufacturing PMI and MSCI World Index The chart shows a pretty good correlation between Global Manufacturing PMI and the MSCI World Index. Stocks and PMI tend to move together. Image: Charles Schwab