U.S. Recession Risk Indicators

U.S. Recession Risk Indicators An inverted yield curve and gloomy confidence expectations generally do not bode well. Image: Oxford Economics, Macrobond

S&P 500 5% Pullbacks per Year

S&P 500 5% Pullbacks per Year Since 1990, the average number of 5% pullbacks in the S&P 500 Index per year is 3.3. Currently, 2019 has two pullbacks of 5%. Image: LPL Research

U.S. Recession With No Yield Curve Inversion

U.S. Recession With No Yield Curve Inversion Before 1960, five recessions occurred with no yield curve inversion. The yield curve is one recession indicator among many others. Image: Variant Perception Research

Risk Parity Funds

Risk Parity Funds Currently, risk parity equity allocations are near the top of the historical range. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

Time in Recession

Time in Recession Since 1950, the United States has spent 10% of the time in recession compared to 33% for Argentina. Image: Bloomberg

S&P 500 Forward EPS and World Trade Growth

S&P 500 Forward EPS and World Trade Growth The chart shows a pretty good correlation between the S&P 500 forward 12-month EPS and the CPB World Trade Index. Image: Oxford Economics, Macrobond

Active Equity Managers Still Underperform

Active Equity Managers Still Underperform This chart shows the low percentage of active funds that outperformed and how difficult it really is to beat the market over time. You may also like “The Rise of…

Term Premium on a 10-Year Zero Coupon Bond

Term Premium on a 10-Year Zero Coupon Bond Term premium on a 10-year zero coupon bond remains in negative territory. Investors do not seem to fear rising rates over the long-term. The term premium is the…

U.S. Unemployment Rate: Black or African Americans

U.S. Unemployment Rate: Black or African Americans The U.S. unemployment rate of Black or African Americans stands at 6.3%, while the civilian unemployment rate stands at 3.7%, near its lowest level in almost 50 years. You…