10Y-3M Treasury Yield Spread Adjusted for QE and QT

10Y-3M Treasury Yield Spread Adjusted for QE and QT Adjusted for quantitative easing (QE) and quantitative tightening (QT), the 10-year minus 3-month yield curve may have inverted in December 2018. Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

S&P 500 Recovery Since The Financial Crisis

S&P 500 Recovery Since The Financial Crisis The chart shows that the S&P 500 has outperformed its historical recoveries since 2009. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Asset Classes Total Return since 2009

Asset Classes Total Return since the Great Recession The chart shows how asset classes and economic indicators have performed since the Great Recession. The S&P 500 is the big winner. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment…

S&P 500 – Secular Roadmaps

S&P 500 – Secular Roadmaps The chart shows the S&P 500 projection based on average secular bull and the CAPE model. Image: Fidelity Investments

Central Bank Outlook

Central Bank Outlook Interesting chart showing how major central banks will change interest rates by the end of this year (projected interest-rate change). Picture Source: Bloomberg

Lower Incomes Paid the Highest Price

Lower Incomes Paid the Highest Price Low-income groups are slowly recovering after the financial crisis. Inequality: you may also like “U.S. Net Worth by Wealth Bracket.” Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

U.S. Net Worth by Wealth Bracket

U.S. Net Worth by Wealth Bracket Another chart showing the wealth disparities before and after the Great Recession. Inequality: you may also like “Lower Incomes Paid the Highest Price.” Image: Axios

World Semiconductor Sales and S&P 500 EPS

World Semiconductor Sales and S&P 500 EPS Tight relationship between world semiconductor sales and S&P 500 earnings per share. You may also like “Semiconductor Sales vs. Global Earnings per Share.” Image: Oxford Economics