Cass Freight Shipments Index vs. U.S. GDP

Cass Freight Shipments Index vs. U.S. GDP The Cass Freight Shipments Index is a relative good predictive indicator of the U.S. economy. It suggests a weakness in U.S. GDP in Q2 2019. The Cass Freight Index…

S&P 500 Gains Outside Regular Trading Hours

S&P 500 Gains Outside Regular Trading Hours The S&P 500 loves the night, after the market closes. Since 1993, the real profits have come outside regular trading hours. Image: The New York Times, Bespoke Investment…

Global Debt Nears Record

Global Debt Nears Record Global debt hits $246 trillion (or 320% of GDP) and is just $2 trillion shy of all-time high. You may also like “Total Debt by Sector for Developed & Emerging Economies.”…

S&P 500 Around the End of Fed Tightening

S&P 500 Around the End of Fed Tightening As the chart shows, the S&P 500 has performed well on average, around the end of Fed tightening. You may also like “S&P 500 Performance Around Previous…

Trump Tweets: Unvertainty Retreats, But Still Elevated

Trump Tweets: Unvertainty Retreats, But Still Elevated Trump’s tweets exacerbate short-term volatility and can create unpredictable short-term market fluctuations. You may also like “How Does President Trump’s Twitter Use Impact the US Stock Market?“ Image:…

Total Outlays (Spending) to GDP

Total Outlays (Spending) to GDP This chart shows the percentage share of GDP that the U.S. federal government spends. Image: Bianco Research

U.S. Total Receipts (Taxes) to GDP

U.S. Total Receipts (Taxes) to GDP This chart shows the percentage share of GDP that is collected by the U.S. federal government through taxes. Image: Bianco Research

S&P 500 and Hedge Fund Exposure

S&P 500 and Hedge Fund Exposure While the S&P 500 is at all-time high, hedge funds increase their exposure to equities (last = 0.52). Image: Sentimentrader

Citi Global Economic Surprise Index and Baltic Dry Index

Citi Global Economic Surprise Index and Baltic Dry Index The divergence between the Baltic Dry Index and the Citi Global Economic Surprise Index could suggest that “global economy is likely to bottom soon.” Image: Nomura

U.S. Total Federal Debt to GDP

U.S. Total Federal Debt to GDP Another interesting chart showing the U.S. total federal debt to GDP since 1791. The current federal debt to GDP is near an all-time high. Image: Bianco Research