World Exports Are Contracting – May 2019

World Exports Are Contracting – May 2019 Nowadays, exports of goods and services represent 29% of global GDP and trade tensions are causing a contraction in world exports. Image: First Eagle Investment Management

Crude Oil Reserves in Billion Barrels (Gbbl)

Crude Oil Reserves in Billion Barrels (Gbbl) The proven oil reserves in Venezuela are recognized as the largest in the world, but by some measures, it is the most miserable economy in the world. Image:

Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value?

Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value? Well, although skeptics say Bitcoin has no value, JP Morgan says Bitcoins have “intrinsic value” using the cost of production approach following Hayes. See: Adam Hayes, A Cost of Production Model for Bitcoin (March 19, 2015).