Does the Sharing Economy Really Know How to Share?

Does the Sharing Economy Really Know How to Share? As Michael A. Gayed pointed out, “Amazing how companies that enable the “sharing economy” make no profit, isn’t it?” The question to ask, does the sharing economy really know how to share? Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

Concentration of Stock Ownership by Wealth Bracket

Concentration of Stock Ownership by Wealth Bracket As the chart shows, the top 20% wealthiest American households own over 93% of stocks. You may also like “How the Composition of Wealth Changes from the Middle Class to The Ultra Rich?” and “U.S. Net Worth by Wealth Bracket.” Image: Visual Capitalist

30-Year Mortgage Rates vs. 10-Year Treasury Yield

30-Year Mortgage Rates vs. 10-Year Treasury Yield There is a very high correlation between the 30-year mortgage rates and the 10-year treasury yield 30-year mortgage rates = 1.739 x (10-year treasury yield)² + 0.7755 x (10-year treasury yield) + 0.0227 R² = 0.9787 Image: Calculated Risk

US Long-Term Mortgage Rates Decline: 30-Year Average 4.10% & 15-Year Average 3.57%

US Long-Term Mortgage Rates Decline: 30-Year Average 4.10% & 15-Year Average 3.57% Why US long-term mortgage rates decline? Mortgage costs are influenced by the 10-year Treasury yield which was lower this week, because the trade war between the United States and China pushes investors moving money from stocks to bonds. Bond yields fall as prices rise.…

Income Shares of the Top 1% in Various Countries

Income Shares of the Top 1% in Various Countries The richest 1% of Americans take 20% of national income, but the richest 1% of the Dutch people only 6%. Denmark and the Netherlands are the countries that are the most equal. Image: World Economic Forum

U.S. Debt to Nominal GDP Ratios from 1975 to 2019

U.S. Debt to Nominal GDP Ratios from 1975 to 2019 Government debt: 97.2% of Nominal GDPHousehold debt: 76.4% of Nominal GDPNon-financial corporate debt: 73.9% of Nominal GDP You may also like “Is U.S. Household Debt a Problem?“ Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management “Guide to the Markets” for Q2 2019

S&P 500 Valuation – Forward P/E Ratio – May 10, 2019

S&P 500 Valuation – Forward P/E Ratio – May 10, 2019 S&P 500 Valuation: Forward P/E Ratio is 16.5 and equal to the 5-year average, above the 10-Year average (14.7).Based on the forward P/E ratio, the US stock market is not too expensive. You may also like our “Stock Market Valuation.” Image: FactSet Research Systems Inc.

IPOs Tend to Underperform the Market

IPOs Tend to Underperform the Market The evidence shows that, despite their higher risk, initial public offerings make poor investments. You may also like “Unicorn IPOs, Are They Good Investments?“