S&P 500 Cash Return Yield by Sector and Region

S&P 500 Cash Return Yield by Sector and Region Currently, the S&P 500 cash return yield (buybacks + dividends) is 5.2%, the highest since 2011. That’s much more than Europe, Japan and emerging markets. Image: Fundstrat Global Advisors, LLC

The Trade-Weighted Broad US Dollar Index Hits the Highest Level since 2002

The Trade-Weighted Broad US Dollar Index Hits the Highest Level since 2002 A strong dollar leads to wider trade deficits, and this is a headwind for US exporters. A strong dollar can also hurt emerging markets. The trade-weighted broad US Dollar index is a weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the US dollar against…

The Top 10 Risks to the Global Economy

The Top 10 Risks to the Global Economy US-China trade conflict, US corporate debt burden, and emerging-markets crisis are the main global risks according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Image: World Economic Forum

Are Value Stocks Cheap or Expensive?

Are Value Stocks Cheap or Expensive? Value stocks usually trade at a 24% discount to the stock market.But as of 02/29/2019, they are trading at 31% discounts in the U.S., 33% discounts in Europe and 34% discounts in emerging countries. Image: GMO