Market-Implied Long-Term S&P 500 Growth Expectations

Market-Implied Long-Term S&P 500 Growth Expectations The implied long-term growth rate for the S&P 500 is currently +11%, which is above the long-term average but still below the levels seen during the tech bubble. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Global Sector Flows

Global Sector Flows Given investor sentiment and current market conditions, will outflows from tech funds come to an end? Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation

U.S. Tech Stocks vs. Global Tech Stocks

U.S. Tech Stocks vs. Global Tech Stocks The remarkable outperformance of U.S. tech stocks underscores the competitive advantage and innovation prowess of U.S. companies, consistently surpassing global peers in growth and market value. Image: Topdown Charts

Equity – MSCI Japan Market Cap Relative to World Market Cap

Equity – MSCI Japan Market Cap Relative to World Market Cap Considering the improved outlook, attractive valuations, and progress in corporate governance, should investors consider increasing their exposure to Japanese equities? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Flows into Money Market Funds

Flows into Money Market Funds Money market funds have seen strong inflows since the start of the year. Investors continue to show a strong affinity for cash, seeking for more defensive approaches to the market. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Market Pricing of Fed Cuts vs. Real 10-Year U.S. Treasury Yield

Market Pricing of Fed Cuts vs. Real 10-Year U.S. Treasury Yield When the market expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates, it often leads to lower real yields, as investors adjust their expectations. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research