G6 Real GDP Levels

G6 Real GDP Levels The U.S. economy is growing pretty solidly and is expected to outperform the rest of DM through the end of 2022. Image: BofA Global Research

Greatest Annual Flows

Greatest Annual Flows Biggest inflows into TIPS and financials this year, as the Fed lets the U.S. economy run hot. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Output Gap (% of Potential GDP)

U.S. Output Gap (% of Potential GDP) Will the Fed take action to prevent the U.S. economy from overheating? Image: BofA Global Research

GDP Forecast by Region

GDP Forecast by Region Thanks to the vaccine rollout, will the U.S. economy expand more rapidly than expected in 2021? Image: BofA Global Research Economists

China 10-Year Bond Yield and Shanghai Composite Index

China 10-Year Bond Yield and Shanghai Composite Index China is leading all asset markets. The Shanghai Composite Index could decline with Chinese bond yields as a result of a weaker growing economy. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Projected U.S. GDP Growth

Projected U.S. GDP Growth This chart suggests some mix of U and L-shaped recovery in the U.S. economy. Image: BofA Global Research