S&P 500 Performance Leading to U.S. Election Date

S&P 500 Performance Leading to U.S. Election Date This table shows that over the last 20 election cycles in the U.S., there have been only two instances of market declines in the 12 months leading to the election results. Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management

IPO Relative Performance in 2019

IPO Relative Performance in 2019 The IPO market is suffering in 2019. This year’s IPO class is one of the least profitable. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

S&P 500 vs. MSCI Emerging Markets Index

S&P 500 vs. MSCI Emerging Markets Index This chart shows the strong performance of the S&P 500 against the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. Image: Financial Times

Annual Performance of Gold and the S&P 500 since 1980

Annual Performance of Gold and the S&P 500 since 1980 One of the advantages of gold is that it is uncorrelated to the U.S. stock market and provides diversification in a portfolio. Image: The Wall Street Journal

S&P 500 Performance by President, from Reagan to Trump

S&P 500 Performance by President, from Reagan to Trump For President Trump, the stock market is a scorecard. This chart shows the S&P 500 performance across different presidencies, from Reagan to Trump. Image: Deutsche Bank

First, Middle, Final Years of S&P 500 Bull Markets since 1975

First, Middle, Final Years of S&P 500 Bull Markets since 1975 The chart shows that the S&P 500 has generated a 26.9% return on average, in the final years of bull markets since 1975, excluding the current bull market. You may also like “Equity Market Performance Around Bear Markets.” Image: Legg Mason

Unicorn’s Performance After Their IPOs

Unicorn’s Performance After Their IPOs A unicorn is a privately held startup company with a value of over $1 billion. The chart below shows the value today, if you had invested $1000 at the time of the IPOs. You may also like “IPOs Tend to Underperform the Market.” Image: howmuch.net

Does Berkshire Hathaway Still Have a Market-Beating Advantage Over the Long Run?

Does Berkshire Hathaway Still Have a Market-Beating Advantage Over the Long Run? We can ask ourselves if Berkshire Hathaway does still have a market-beating advantage over the long run, because Warren Buffett expects a very modest outperformance vs. the market over the next decade. But he can’t guarantee that, of course. Image: Financial Times

S&P 500 Index Daily Returns

S&P 500 Index Daily Returns Monday is the worst day of the week for the S&P 500 index since 1928, indicating a long-standing trend that market participants might consider when planning their strategies to potentially enhance their stock market performance. Image: Carson Investment Research