U.S. Corporate Profits and 10Y-3M Yield Curve

U.S. Corporate Profits and 10Y-3M Yield Curve While the divergence between large-cap profits and the rest of the economy is the widest on record, the steepening yield curve suggests an earnings rebound. Image: BofA Global Research

Average Age of U.S. Private Fixed Assets

Average Age of U.S. Private Fixed Assets Since the Great Financial Crisis, America’s equipment is getting older. Companies have been reluctant to invest and that’s not good news for the U.S. economy. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

U.S. Corporate Profits vs. S&P 500 EPS

U.S. Corporate Profits vs. S&P 500 EPS The current divergence between large-cap profits and the rest of the economy is the widest on record. It is possible to close the gap “down” (recession) or “up” (reflation). Image: BofA Global Research

Share of World GDP

Share of World GDP U.S. consumption alone accounts for around 17% of word GDP, a larger share than the entire Chinese economy. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

NFIB Survey Leads U.S. Employment

NFIB Survey Leads U.S. Employment The U.S. economy is not unaffected by the trade war and global slowdown. This chart suggests that U.S. employment is slowing down. The chart also suggests that the NFIB survey leads U.S. employment by 6 months. Image: Rothschild & Co Asset Management Europe

Sentiment on Durable Goods Purchases Lead the Unemployment Rate

Sentiment on Durable Goods Purchases Lead the Unemployment Rate This chart suggests that sentiment on durable goods purchases lead the unemployment rate by 12 months, and that the U.S. economy seems to be moving into the late phase of its business cycle. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

Total Banking Asset as Percentage of GDP

Total Banking Asset as Percentage of GDP Negative interest rates have a big impact on the profitability of banks and screw up the economy. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research

U.S. Nonfarm Employment and NFIB Survey

U.S. Nonfarm Employment and NFIB Survey If the trade war continues, it will have serious negative repercussions on the American economy. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research