Asset Return Expections on a Five-Year Horizon

Asset Return Expections on a Five-Year Horizon Government bond returns are expected to be negative across developed markets on a five-year horizon. Source: BlackRock Investment Institute

Credit Spreads on High-Quality U.S. Corporates

Credit Spreads on High-Quality U.S. Corporates Credit spreads on high-quality U.S. corporates are widening and are flashing a warning sign for markets. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond

Trade War and Financial Conditions Index

Trade War and Financial Conditions Index The trade war has tightened the Goldman Sachs FCI by about 60bp cumulatively. The Goldman Sachs Financial Conditions Index (FCI) is a weighted sum of a long-term corporate yield, a short-term bond yield, the exchange rate, and a stock market variable. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research