Asset Return Expections on a Five-Year Horizon
Asset Return Expections on a Five-Year Horizon Government bond returns are expected to be negative across developed markets on a five-year horizon. Source: BlackRock Investment Institute
Asset Return Expections on a Five-Year Horizon Government bond returns are expected to be negative across developed markets on a five-year horizon. Source: BlackRock Investment Institute
S&P 500 Returns – Obama vs. Trump Two charts comparing Obama’s vs. Trump’s stock market returns. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
Price Return Indexes – MSCI World ex-US and US Valueline Composite Index Where is the bull market exactly? Today, the Valueline composite index, considered as a proxy for the U.S. market’s performance, stands at the same level as in 1998. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
Total Returns – Gold, Nasdaq and MSCI World ex-US With the Nasdaq at all-time high, markets expect a weak global growth, low inflation and a strong U.S. dollar. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
M2 Money Supply and S&P 500 vs. Japan M2 and Topix M2 is rising significantly in the U.S., as during the Japanese bubble market of the 1980s. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
Housing – Property Sales Volume and Construction Starts This chart shows the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the property market. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
Credit Spreads on High-Quality U.S. Corporates Credit spreads on high-quality U.S. corporates are widening and are flashing a warning sign for markets. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
S&P 500 – Performance since 2016 vs. Performance since 2019 The U.S. stock market is on fire. Will history repeat itself? Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
QE in 2020 and Central Banks (the Fed, ECB and BoJ) Central banks’ QE should support financial markets next year. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond
Buybacks – Cumulative Net Buying of U.S. Corporate Equity This chart shows that since 2009, buybacks have been the source of the rally in the U.S. stock market. Image: Oxford Economics, Macrobond
Trade War and Financial Conditions Index The trade war has tightened the Goldman Sachs FCI by about 60bp cumulatively. The Goldman Sachs Financial Conditions Index (FCI) is a weighted sum of a long-term corporate yield, a short-term bond yield, the exchange rate, and a stock market variable. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research