10-Year Treasury minus 1-Year Treasury Yield Spread vs. S&P 500 Returns

10-Year Treasury minus 1-Year Treasury Yield Spread vs. S&P 500 Returns If history helps us to predict the future, the 10y-1y treasury yield spread suggests low returns ahead for U.S. stocks. After 10 years of a bull market, our stock market forecasting model also shows that the market follows a different path in 2019. Statistically,…

50 Percent of US Stock Fund Assets Are Invested in Index Funds

50 Percent of US Stock Fund Assets Are Invested in Index Funds Until active equity funds drop fees, the flow into passive equity funds will certainly continue. But could markets become inefficient if everyone buys index funds? Image: Morningstar

The Trade-Weighted Broad US Dollar Index Hits the Highest Level since 2002

The Trade-Weighted Broad US Dollar Index Hits the Highest Level since 2002 A strong dollar leads to wider trade deficits, and this is a headwind for US exporters. A strong dollar can also hurt emerging markets. The trade-weighted broad US Dollar index is a weighted average of the foreign exchange value of the US dollar against…

Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value?

Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value? Well, although skeptics say Bitcoin has no value, JP Morgan says Bitcoins have “intrinsic value” using the cost of production approach following Hayes. See: Adam Hayes, A Cost of Production Model for Bitcoin (March 19, 2015).

“Ken Fisher: Thinking in Ways That Others Do Not, with John Tamny”

“Ken Fisher: Thinking in Ways That Others Do Not, with John Tamny” Great interview of Ken Fisher on: coastal redwoods, dikes and climate change, efficient markets, quantitative easing (QE) vs. inflation, humans as a group are slow to learn, recessions, Fed and interest rates, why philanthropy is bad and immoral, and why inequality is a good…

Are Value Stocks Cheap or Expensive?

Are Value Stocks Cheap or Expensive? Value stocks usually trade at a 24% discount to the stock market.But as of 02/29/2019, they are trading at 31% discounts in the U.S., 33% discounts in Europe and 34% discounts in emerging countries. Image: GMO

Gold Has Crushed the S&P 500 So Far Since 2000

Gold Has Crushed the S&P 500 So Far Since 2000 Gold has returned a great 345.30 percent, while the S&P 500 has returned 146.57 percent since 2000. Keep in mind that Gold has beaten the US stock market over multiple time periods Historically, Gold has also had a strong negative correlation with the US stock…

Total Debt by Sector for Developed & Emerging Economies

Total Debt by Sector for Developed & Emerging Economies Argentina is the least indebted market in terms of GDP, while Japan is the most indebted market in terms of GDP. The United States’ total debt is 252% of GDP. Image: Pictet Asset Management