IG + HY Bond Fund Flows

IG + HY Bond Fund Flows Despite the potential risks associated with investing in IG and HY bond funds, continued strong inflows to these funds indicate a positive sentiment among investors. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Net % Investors Say They Are Overweight Bonds

Net % Investors Say They Are Overweight Bonds FMS investors currently have their largest overweight position in bonds since the global financial crisis, indicating their strong confidence in lower inflation and yields for the year 2024. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey

IG and HY Bond Fund Flows

IG and HY Bond Fund Flows It is common for investors to prefer investment-grade (IG) bonds over high-yield (HY) bonds when seeking lower-risk investments. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Global High Yield Bond Prices

Global High Yield Bond Prices High-yield bonds are often called the “canary in the coal mine”, as they are seen as a leading indicator of the health of the economy. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

World Government Bond GDP-Weighted Return Index

World Government Bond GDP-Weighted Return Index Global government bond markets are on course for the worst year since the Marshall Plan in 1949. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy