U.S. Debt Growth vs. Real GDP Growth

U.S. Debt Growth vs. Real GDP Growth Chart showing that the United States is on an unsustainable path, because U.S. debt is growing faster than the economy. Image: Real Investment Advice

U.S. Debt and Demographics

U.S. Debt and Demographics This interesting chart clearly shows the large divergence between U.S. debt and demographics. Image: Fidelity Investments

U.S. Debt Ceiling and U.S. Nominal GDP

U.S. Debt Ceiling and U.S. Nominal GDP The statutory debt limit, also called the debt ceiling, is the statutory maximum of money the U.S. Treasury is allowed to borrow.Now, it is higher than U.S. nominal GDP. Image: Jeroen Blokland

U.S. Debt Ratios to GDP (Household, Corporate, Government)

U.S. Debt Ratios to GDP (Household, Corporate, Government) U.S. households remain far less in debt than during the Great Recession, but U.S. corporate debt continues to rise rapidly and has exceeded record levels . Image: Pictet Wealth Management

U.S. Debt Markets

U.S. Debt Markets An interesting chart showing the breakdown of U.S. debt markets. Image: Bianco Research

U.S. Debt to Nominal GDP Ratios from 1975 to 2019

U.S. Debt to Nominal GDP Ratios from 1975 to 2019 Government debt: 97.2% of Nominal GDPHousehold debt: 76.4% of Nominal GDPNon-financial corporate debt: 73.9% of Nominal GDP You may also like “Is U.S. Household Debt a Problem?“ Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management “Guide to the Markets” for Q2 2019

U.S. Credit Card Debt Balances in Serious Delinquencies

U.S. Credit Card Debt Balances in Serious Delinquencies Despite the rise in U.S. credit card delinquencies, the economy remains strong. Currently, there are no strong indicators that point to an impending recession. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. National Debt

U.S. National Debt The U.S. national debt has surpassed a staggering $34 trillion, and the trajectory of this ever-increasing debt raises concerns about long-term economic sustainability. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Federal Debt Held by the Public

U.S. Federal Debt Held by the Public The projected ballooning of the U.S. federal debt by 2050 could have negative impacts on the U.S. economy, with more interest payments, limited resources, and potential constraints on growth and government responsiveness. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy