S&P 500 and the Small Caps vs. Large Caps Ratio
S&P 500 and the Small Caps vs. Large Caps Ratio The S&P 500 remains in a secular bull market. Image: BofA Global Research
S&P 500 and the Small Caps vs. Large Caps Ratio The S&P 500 remains in a secular bull market. Image: BofA Global Research
Beta Exposure of Large Cap U.S. Active Managers vs. S&P 500 Among active managers, there is a significant drop in beta exposure to GFC levels. Image: BofA US Equity & Quant Strategy
Spread Between Rolling 8-Week Cumulative Flows as a % of Market Cap: Small Caps vs. Large Caps Should investors overweight U.S. small-cap stocks despite strong outflows? Image: BofA Securities
Stocks – Net % Say Large Caps Will Beat Small Caps (FMS Investors) Will large caps beat small caps? Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey
Large Cap Stocks in Periods of Rising Inflation Are large cap stocks a hedge in periods of rising inflation? Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC
FMS Investor – Small Cap Stocks Will Beat Large Cap Stocks Is the reflation trade already over? Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey
Small Cap vs. Large Cap Correlation with US 10-Year Breakeven When inflation expectations rise, small-caps tend to outperform large caps. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy
% of Large Cap Active Funds Outperforming Russell 1000 Benchmarks in May Best May in history for actively managed large-cap funds. But can active large-cap funds outperform benchmark over a full market cycle? Image: BofA US Equity & Quant Strategy
Value vs. Growth and Small Caps vs. Large Caps The rally in small caps is a strong bullish signal, but it has not yet been confirmed by a rebound in value vs. growth. Image: BofA Research Investment Committee
Small Caps vs. Large Cap Relative Performance Is a new small cap outperformance cycle beginning? Image: BofA US Equity & Quant Strategy
World Small Caps/Large Caps and U.S. 10-Year Government Bond Will small-caps continue outperform large-caps? Image: Nordea and Macrobond