US Long-Term Mortgage Rates Decline: 30-Year Average 4.10% & 15-Year Average 3.57%

US Long-Term Mortgage Rates Decline: 30-Year Average 4.10% & 15-Year Average 3.57% Why US long-term mortgage rates decline? Mortgage costs are influenced by the 10-year Treasury yield which was lower this week, because the trade war between the United States and China pushes investors moving money from stocks to bonds. Bond yields fall as prices rise.…

U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield and Mortgages Rates

U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield and Mortgages Rates U.S. treasury yields and mortgage rates aren’t following the usual pattern over the last 6 weeks (R² = 0.93). Image: Macrobond Financial

Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) Fund Flows

Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) Fund Flows Record inflows into mortgage-backed securities over the past week highlight the growing interest in this asset class among investors. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

U.S. Fixed Rate CMBS Index Price

U.S. Fixed Rate CMBS Index Price Commercial mortgage-backed securities prices are currently at their lowest since October 2009. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

MBA U.S. Mortgage Market Index

MBA U.S. Mortgage Market Index U.S. mortgage demand is falling as interest rates rise. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Delinquency Rate of Student Loans since 2003

Delinquency Rate of Student Loans since 2003 The delinquency rate of student loans is higher than credit card delinquency, auto loans and mortgages. The main reason is that the interest rate on student loans can be very high. Image: Federal Reserve Bank of New York