Buybacks – Share of S&P 1500 Companies Paying a Dividend or Repurchasing Stock

Buybacks – Share of S&P 1500 Companies Paying a Dividend or Repurchasing Stock Over the years, the share of S&P 1500 companies engaging in share repurchases has surged. In 1995, only 3% participated, while in 2023, it reached 70%, greatly enhancing shareholder returns. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Cumulative Share Buybacks by Sector

Cumulative Share Buybacks by Sector U.S. companies have spent $11 trillion on share repurchases since 2004, which has helped drive the U.S. stock market to record levels. Image: Fidelity Investments

S&P 500 Share Buyback Announcements

S&P 500 Share Buyback Announcements The coronavirus pandemic stops share repurchases. Buyback authorizations have declined by 66% year-over-year. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Corporate Stock Buybacks Are Booming Since 2010!

U.S. Corporate Stock Buybacks Are Booming Since 2010! Thanks to tax cuts and low interest rates. What would happen if companies reinvested instead of buying their own shares? Unfortunately, artificially low interest rates are associated with unnecessary debt. See how corporate debt-to-GDP has increased since the Great Recession.