China’s Global Acquisitions

China’s Global Acquisitions Global acquisitions by Chinese companies continue to fall, due to tight credit conditions and US-China trade tensions. Image: Financial Times

Share Buybacks in China

Share Buybacks in China Chinese companies are buying back record amounts of stocks. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Dividend Yield vs. Corporate Bond Yield

Dividend Yield vs. Corporate Bond Yield This chart shows that dividend yields of European companies appear more attractive than corporate bond yields. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

S&P 500 Median Stock Net Leverage

S&P 500 Median Stock Net Leverage Net leverage of the median S&P 500 companies reached new highs, above 1.8. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Does U.S. Productivity Increase Under Trump?

Does U.S. Productivity Increase Under President Trump? The answer is yes, because businesses have invested. Even if Net Domestic Investment to GDP is in a long-term downtrend, that’s good news for the U.S. economy. Keep in mind that it is a key factor in extending the business cycle. US Productivity has increased, because US companies have invested,…

The Immigrant-Founded Fortune 500

The Immigrant-Founded Fortune 500 Immigrants and their children have founded nearly half of all U.S. Fortune 500 companies. Image: Axios

Labor Costs Lead Core Inflation by 6 Months

Labor Costs Lead Core Inflation by 6 Months Historically, U.S. labor costs have been a good leading indicator of core inflation, because when labor costs rise, companies tend to increase their prices. Image: Legg Mason

Average Consumer Price Increase After US Import Tariffs by 25%

Average Consumer Price Increase After US Import Tariffs by 25% This chart shows the average consumer price increase in percentage points for US consumers/firms after an increase in US import tariffs by 25 percentage points. Trade war costs to consumers and companies. Tariffs are a hidden tax on American consumers and US firms. Image: Ifo…

Does the Sharing Economy Really Know How to Share?

Does the Sharing Economy Really Know How to Share? As Michael A. Gayed pointed out, “Amazing how companies that enable the “sharing economy” make no profit, isn’t it?” The question to ask, does the sharing economy really know how to share? Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC