Are Value Stocks Cheap or Expensive?

Are Value Stocks Cheap or Expensive? Value stocks usually trade at a 24% discount to the stock market.But as of 02/29/2019, they are trading at 31% discounts in the U.S., 33% discounts in Europe and 34% discounts in emerging countries. Image: GMO

Investor Movement Index vs. S&P 500

Investor Movement Index vs. S&P 500 The Investor Movement Index indicates the sentiment of TD Ameritrade retail investors. Thus, retail investors are net buyers of equities when the stock market is expensive, and they are net sellers of equities when the stock market is cheap. As usual, retail investors react to equity price movements. They buy and sell…

US Long-Term Mortgage Rates Decline: 30-Year Average 4.10% & 15-Year Average 3.57%

US Long-Term Mortgage Rates Decline: 30-Year Average 4.10% & 15-Year Average 3.57% Why US long-term mortgage rates decline? Mortgage costs are influenced by the 10-year Treasury yield which was lower this week, because the trade war between the United States and China pushes investors moving money from stocks to bonds. Bond yields fall as prices rise.…

Tariffs Are a Hidden Tax on American Consumers and Companies

Tariffs Are a Hidden Tax on American Consumers and Companies Tariff man is back! Keep in mind that trade war costs to consumers and companies. Tariffs are a hidden tax on American consumers and US firms. Trump’s trade war hurts the U.S. economy and stocks.

Has the United States Ever Imported a Recession from a Single Foreign Country?

Has the United States Ever Imported a Recession from a Single Foreign Country? The biggest U.S. trade partners are: China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, South Korea, United Kingdom and France. So far, the US has never imported a recession from a single foreign country. A Chinese recession would be bad for the U.S. and the…

Can History Help Us Predict the Future of the S&P 500?

Can History Help Us Predict the Future of the S&P 500? When the S&P 500 hits all-time high and AAII Investor Sentiment Survey bulls is below 35%, then 88% of the time the S&P 500 is positive one year later (1986-2019). Image: SentimenTrader

Six months ago, the S&P 500 was overvalued by more than 14%…

Six months ago, the S&P 500 was overvalued by more than 14%… Six months ago, the S&P 500 was overvalued by more than 14% before the market crash, through our advanced stock market valuation model. Near the same level today and within 1% of a record high, the US stock market remains slightly overvalued by 7.8%.…

Watch Warren Buffett’s full interview with CNBC’s Becky Quick

Watch Warren Buffett’s full interview with CNBC’s Becky Quick In this interview, Warren Buffett speaks about rail road, Berkshire Hathaway, economic slowdown, yield curve, recession, stock vs. bond, airlines & automotive industry, capitalism, inequality, benefits of free trade, IPOs, entertainment industry, Apple, American Express, Wells Fargo, real estate commission, philanthropy with 2% of GDP, odds,…

Kyle Bass talks China, markets, and the Fed

Kyle Bass talks China, markets, and the Fed Kyle Bass, CIO of Hayman Capital Management, talks with Brian Sullivan about the USA-China relationship & trade deal, and the Fed.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “Skin in the Game” | Talks at Google

Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “Skin in the Game” | Talks at Google Nassim Nicholas Taleb, is an essayist and former trader, who focuses on probability, uncertainty and randomness. In this Talks at Google, he speaks about his latest book, “Skin in the Game.”