Buybacks – Share of S&P 1500 Companies Paying a Dividend or Repurchasing Stock

Buybacks – Share of S&P 1500 Companies Paying a Dividend or Repurchasing Stock Over the years, the share of S&P 1500 companies engaging in share repurchases has surged. In 1995, only 3% participated, while in 2023, it reached 70%, greatly enhancing shareholder returns. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Performance – S&P 1500 Sub-Industry Groups

Performance – S&P 1500 Sub-Industry Groups Will the COVID-19 “Staying In” continue to outperform the COVID-19 “Going Out?” Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC

S&P Credit Ratings Downgrades

S&P Credit Ratings Downgrades The coronavirus crisis sparks record company downgrades. Image: Oxford Economics

Valuation Metrics

Valuation Metrics S&P 500 valuation metrics remain elevated by historical standards. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Stock Market Valuation – Cape Ratio

U.S. Stock Market Valuation – Cape Ratio The S&P 500’s CAPE ratio remains historically high, which could potentially lead to lower subsequent returns over the following 10 years. Image: Real Investment Advice