FMS Investors – What Is the Most Likely Source for a Systemic Credit Event?

FMS Investors – What Is the Most Likely Source for a Systemic Credit Event? FMS investors view the China real estate as the biggest source of a systematic credit event due to excessive borrowing, with significant implications for the Chinese economy and global consequences. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey

China Property Stocks

China Property Stocks The sharp decline in Chinese property stocks, reaching levels unseen since the Global Financial Crisis, is worrisome considering the crucial role of the real estate sector in China’s economy. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

China Unemployment Rate

China Unemployment Rate The Chinese unemployment rate rose to 5.8% in March, as lockdowns weigh on economic activity. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

China Imports

China Imports Should investors be worried about the sharp decline in Chinese imports? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

China’s Credit Impulse as % of GDP

China’s Credit Impulse as % of GDP Investors should be pleased as Chinese credit impulse is expected to rise. Image: Morgan Stanley Research

China Credit Impulse

China Credit Impulse Investors should be pleased as Chinese credit stimulus is on the way. Image: Alpine Macro