% of Nasdaq Constituents Down 50% or More from their Price Highs
% of Nasdaq Constituents Down 50% or More from their Price Highs More than 50% of Nasdaq stocks are down 50% or more from their price highs. Image: J.P. Morgan
% of Nasdaq Constituents Down 50% or More from their Price Highs More than 50% of Nasdaq stocks are down 50% or more from their price highs. Image: J.P. Morgan
U.S. Stocks – NYSE + NASDAQ New Highs and New Lows It is difficult to have a bull market as long as there are more new lows than new highs. Image: All Star Charts
Valuation – Nasdaq 100 Fwd P/E Could the Nasdaq 100’s valuation fall further, as economic growth slows and rates rise? Image: The Daily Shot
Nasdaq and 200-Week Moving Average How deeply will the Nasdaq drop below its 200-week moving average? Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy
Valuation – Nasdaq 100 Relative to S&P 500 vs. U.S. 10-Year TIPS Yield Historically, it’s good for the U.S. stock market if U.S. real yields remain modestly positive. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research
Nasdaq 100 / S&P 500 Ratio Has the Nasdaq 100 lost its market leadership? Image: The Daily Shot
Nasdaq Composite Drawdown The Nasdaq Index is now in a 27% drawdown. Image: The Daily Shot
180-Day Rolling Correlation Between Bitcoin and the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, Gold and U.S. Dollar The price of Bitcoin remains positively correlated to U.S. stocks. Image: BofA Global Research
Valuations – S&P 500, NASDAQ and TSX Composite The S&P 500, NASDAQ and TSX are back to 2019 valuation levels. Is this correction a buying opportunity? Image: Richardson Wealth
Nasdaq 100 Relative to the S&P 500 Will the Nasdaq 100 continue to underperform the S&P 500? Image: BofA Global Research
Stocks – Nasdaq vs. Russell, MSCI USA Growth vs. Value and U.S. 10-Year Real Rate Will growth stocks continue to outperform value stocks despite rising real rates? Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research