Growth and Inflation

Growth and Inflation This chart shows the ISM Index vs. prices paid deviation from the mean since 2009. Currently, the U.S. manufacturing cycle has headed back into recession & deflation. Image: Fidelity Investments

Copper to Gold Ratio

Copper to Gold Ratio The copper to gold ratio provides useful information on the evolution of the U.S. 10-year Treasury, the ISM Non-Manufacturing Index and the average weekly hours worked. Image: Paolo Cardena

Number of Days Between Cycle Turn and NBER Announcement

Number of Days Between Cycle Turn and NBER Announcement The current U.S. business cycle is the longest on record. But what about the number of days between the cycle turn and the NBER announcement? Image: Lohman Econometrics

Earnings Estimate Progression

Earnings Estimate Progression The consensus growth estimate for Q3 earnings stands at -3.2%, but the earnings recovery seems better than 2016. The Fed’s dovish pivot and low interest rates should continue to support the U.S. stock market. Image: Fidelity Investments

Sentiment on Durable Goods Purchases Lead the Unemployment Rate

Sentiment on Durable Goods Purchases Lead the Unemployment Rate This chart suggests that sentiment on durable goods purchases lead the unemployment rate by 12 months, and that the U.S. economy seems to be moving into the late phase of its business cycle. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

NFIB Expected Credit Conditions

NFIB Expected Credit Conditions NFIB Expected Credit Conditions are improving and suggest that the U.S. expansion still has room to run. Source: Longview Economics

S&P 500 Total Return Change During Economic Expansions

S&P 500 Total Return Change During Economic Expansions The current business cycle is the longest and weakest expansion. The next downturn could hit the U.S. stock market much harder than the economy. Image: Irrelevant Investor LLC