Where Is the Credit Cycle Headed?

Where Is the Credit Cycle Headed? “Typically, once the horse leaves the barn on the domestic credit cycle, there’s no turning back…” We all know that never ends well. Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

Lower Returns for Stocks in the Next 12 Months?

Lower Returns for Stocks in the Next 12 Months? Morgan Stanley’s cyclical indicator is flagging “downturn.” The yield curve’s slope, debt issuance, consumer confidence, economic and financial markets data are aggregated in Morgan Stanley’s cyclical indicator. The entry into the “downturn” phase suggests lower returns for stocks and risky assets in the next 12 months. Image:…

US Yield Curve Inversions since 1966

US Yield Curve Inversions since 1966 Currently, investors are concerned about yield curve inversions, because they have been a indicator of a coming recession. But not all inversions are the same. If the yield curve inversion is due to 10-year falling, then it is a “risk-off” trade, and not an economic cycle turn. This great chart…

What About the Predictive Power of the Fed?

What About the Predictive Power of the Fed? As former Fed policymaker Narayana Kocherlakota said in 2016: “Don’t rely on FOMC forecasts of future fed funds rates.” Why? Because the economy is often shaken by crises and does not evolve as expected. Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

The Credit Cycle Is Leading the Economic Cycle

The Credit Cycle Is Leading the Economic Cycle This great chart shows that an economic slowdows risk is rising. When delinquency rates on consumer loans reach a low, there’s a high probability of a recession on the horizon. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

U.S. Credit Card Charge-Off Rates Since 2007

U.S. Credit Card Charge-Off Rates Since 2007 This chart shows that small banks accept high credit risks, while large banks reject high credit risks. You may also like “Why the US Banking System Is Divided in Two Groups?“

QE to Infinity and Beyond?

QE to Infinity and Beyond? Analysts say the Fed will resume and buy “just” U.S. Treasuries next year. The Fed’s balance sheet should rise past its historic peak. Image: Bloomberg – Cartoon: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

Is Tesla Stock a Good Investment?

Is Tesla Stock a Good Investment? Ouch, Tesla stock is down from $377 to $196 in just 23 weeks. Tesla is not a tech company, but a car company. It isn’t making as much money as expected. The future of Tesla is far from certain, with billions in debt coming due soon. Image: Hedgeye Risk…