Why Lower Bond Yields Influence the S&P 500?

Why Lower Bond Yields Influence the S&P 500? Because lower interest rates push stock market multiples higher.  If interest rates are lower, then the value of future cash flows increases, because future cash flows are discounted back at a lower interest rate. So, lower U.S. 10-year yields influence the stock market equity risk premium. On the other…

U.S. Unemployment Rate at 3.6% in April 2019

U.S. Unemployment Rate at 3.6% in April 2019 This is the lowest level since 1969!  Is this a sign of a booming economy? In any case, the U.S. economy does appear to be gaining momentum and that’s good news. See how the U.S. productivity has increased under Trump. Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

Has the United States Ever Imported a Recession from a Single Foreign Country?

Has the United States Ever Imported a Recession from a Single Foreign Country? The biggest U.S. trade partners are: China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, South Korea, United Kingdom and France. So far, the US has never imported a recession from a single foreign country. A Chinese recession would be bad for the U.S. and the…

Sell in May and Go Away?

Sell in May and Go Away? Just keep in mind that 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 were positive in May. Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

Has Apple’s Intrinsic Value Really Changed Since December Lows?

Has Apple’s Intrinsic Value Really Changed Since December Lows? Not really! but Apple is up nearly 50% since the December lows. Is there a method to the market’s madness? Yes, see our advanced stock market forecasting models. Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

Why the US Banking System Is Divided in Two Groups?

Why the US Banking System Is Divided in Two Groups? The delinquency rate on credit-card loans at all commercial banks is very low, whereas the delinquency rate on credit-card loans is high only at commercial banks other than the 100 largest banks. The US banking system is divided in two groups: small banks accept high…

Where Does Inflation Come From?

Where Does Inflation Come From? Mainly inflation comes from excess money supply growth. There is too much money in the system chasing too few goods and services. Over the long term, Nominal GDP = Money Supply x Velocity of Money = Inflation + Real Economic Growth “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” –Milton Friedman. You…

The S&P 500 Hits All-Time High

The S&P 500 Hits All-Time High Bulls make money and are happy again… Yes, but until when? Keep in mind that the US stock market is currently overvalued by 9%. Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC

Ken Fisher: ‘Third year of a president’s term is positive’

Ken Fisher: ‘Third year of a president’s term is positive’ “…because political risk aversion falls as you get to increase gridlock which happends in every midterm election.” Billionaire Ken Fisher thinks there is room to run for the stock market this year. But don’t try to time the market and keep your investment strategy simple.