The Market Has Correctly Called Each Fed Rate Decision since 2010

The Market Has Correctly Called Each Fed Rate Decision since 2010 And since 1994, seven days before a FOMC meeting, the market has been accurate 95% of the time. You may also like “The Fed Funds Market Is Rarely Wrong About the Next FOMC Meeting.” Image: Deutsche Bank

U.S. Bond ETFs Top Inflows Record

U.S. Bond ETFs Top Inflows Record In June, investors significantly increased their exposure to bond funds, as weak economic data fuels slowdown worries. U.S. bond ETFs inflows hit $25.4bn. Image: Financial Times

S&P 500 Cash Return Yield by Sector and Region

S&P 500 Cash Return Yield by Sector and Region Currently, the S&P 500 cash return yield (buybacks + dividends) is 5.2%, the highest since 2011. That’s much more than Europe, Japan and emerging markets. Image: Fundstrat Global Advisors, LLC

Performance of Hedge Fund Index vs. S&P 500

Performance of Hedge Fund Index vs. S&P 500 Hedge fund returns have not been as good as those of the S&P 500, but volatility has been lower. Image: Richardson Wealth

Who Owns the Equity Market?

Who Owns the Equity Market? Most of the equity market is owned by households and mutual funds. But ETFs and foreigners continue to gain share. Image: Bianco Research

Cyclical Stocks Responding to Steepening Long-term Yield Curve

Cyclical Stocks Responding to Steepening Long-term Yield Curve Keep in mind that the Fed has little influence on the long end of the yield curve. And currently, the 30-year Treasury rate minus 10-year Treasury rate spread has a normal upward slope, like in the mid-1990s when the economy was growing. The chart below shows that the…

US Yield Curve Inversions since 1966

US Yield Curve Inversions since 1966 Currently, investors are concerned about yield curve inversions, because they have been a indicator of a coming recession. But not all inversions are the same. If the yield curve inversion is due to 10-year falling, then it is a “risk-off” trade, and not an economic cycle turn. This great chart…

What About the Predictive Power of the Fed?

What About the Predictive Power of the Fed? As former Fed policymaker Narayana Kocherlakota said in 2016: “Don’t rely on FOMC forecasts of future fed funds rates.” Why? Because the economy is often shaken by crises and does not evolve as expected. Image: Hedgeye Risk Management LLC