Global Bond Market

Global Bond Market This chart shows the growing global “bond bubble.” Since 2000, the global bond market has tripled in size. Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Gold Bullion and Market Capitalization of Global Negative Yielding Debt

Gold Bullion and Market Capitalization of Global Negative Yielding Debt This chart shows a strong correlation between gold and market capitalization of global negative yielding debt. Keep in mind that negative global yields are a support for gold. Image: Pictet Wealth Management

Market – Breadth Index

Market – Breadth Index With the Goldman Sachs Breadth Index at 21, it remains below the 30-year average of 35, indicating that fewer stocks are contributing to market gains. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Different Market Sentiment Indicators

Different Market Sentiment Indicators Most market sentiment indicators currently reflect a risk-on attitude among investors, suggesting an optimistic outlook for financial markets. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Emerging Market Equity Flows

Emerging Market Equity Flows Emerging market equity funds have seen their largest ever inflow, primarily fueled by investor optimism after the Chinese government announced significant economic stimulus measures. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy