Performance of S&P 500 Index Around Global Health Emergencies

Performance of S&P 500 Index Around Global Health Emergencies Historically, market reactions to previous major health scares have shown short-term volatility, but no disruptions over an extended period of time. Image: Ned Davis Research

Chicago Fed National Activity Index and Recessions

Chicago Fed National Activity Index and Recessions The Chicago Fed National Activity Index fall to -0.35 in December, and stayed at a negative reading. Anything negative is below-average growth. In recent history, anything at or below -0.7 (red line) was equivalent to a recession. “A zero value for the index indicates that the national economy is expanding…

U.S. Output Gap and Inflation

U.S. Output Gap and Inflation This chart shows that actual U.S. GDP is higher than potential GDP. Historically, a positive output gap leads to inflation. Image: Richardson Wealth

Gold and Emerging Market Currency Index

Gold and Emerging Market Currency Index Historically, a weak U.S. dollar tends to be good for gold and emerging markets. Image: Gavekal, Macrobond

U.S. Stock Market – Valuation Metric

U.S. Stock Market – Valuation Metric Is the U.S. stock market overvalued? By historical standards, many traditional valuation metrics look expensive. Image: Charles Schwab

S&P 500 Valuation Metric

S&P 500 Valuation Metric Is the U.S. equity market overvalued? The S&P 500’s median valuation metric is in the 89th percentile. That’s not cheap by historical standards. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research