What Does Government Debt Look Like Across the Globe?

What Does Government Debt Look Like Across the Globe? Government debt has risen to over $63 trillion in absolute terms. Japan is the most indebted countries in the world, with debt-to-GDP ratio of 237.6% in 2017. The United States debt-to-GDP ratio is 105.2% in 2017. Image: howmuch.net

Total Debt by Sector for Developed & Emerging Economies

Total Debt by Sector for Developed & Emerging Economies Argentina is the least indebted market in terms of GDP, while Japan is the most indebted market in terms of GDP. The United States’ total debt is 252% of GDP. Image: Pictet Asset Management

How to Get Inflation?

How to Get Inflation? Mainly, inflation comes from excess money supply growth. There is too much money in the system chasing too few goods and services. Nominal GDP = M x V = P x T M = quantity of money V = velocity of circulation of money P = level of prices T =…

Has the United States Ever Imported a Recession from a Single Foreign Country?

Has the United States Ever Imported a Recession from a Single Foreign Country? The biggest U.S. trade partners are: China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, South Korea, United Kingdom and France. So far, the US has never imported a recession from a single foreign country. A Chinese recession would be bad for the U.S. and the…