U.S. Consumer Sentiment

U.S. Consumer Sentiment The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index is more sensitive to financial markets, whereas the Conference Board Index reflects labor market conditions. Image: J.P. Morgan

Job Openings and Average Weekly Hours

Job Openings and Average Weekly Hours The number of job openings fell in August, mirroring the decline in average weekly hours, and confirming that the U.S. labor market is cooling. Image: TD Bank Financial Group

San Francisco Fed Leading Unemployment Rate

San Francisco Fed Leading Unemployment Rate Does the San Francisco Fed Leading Unemployment Rate signal a turning point in the U.S. labor market? Image: Merk Investments

Why U.S. Productivity Is Lower Than In Previous Business Cycles?

Why U.S. Productivity Is Lower Than Previous Business Cycles? The real yield is the most important measure of financial tightness. But as the real yield is near zero, artificially low interest rates are then associated with unnecessary debt, zombie firms and lower productivity than previous business cycles. Zombie firms cannot invest, innovate and increase productivity. …