Returns Driven by Central Banks?

Returns Driven by Central Banks? This chart suggests that equity and credit markets are no longer driven by fundamentals, at the moment. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

IPO Relative Performance in 2019

IPO Relative Performance in 2019 The IPO market is suffering in 2019. This year’s IPO class is one of the least profitable. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

U.S. Monthly Intervention by Currency

U.S. Monthly Intervention by Currency As the chart shows, frequent interventions in the foreign exchange market were fairly common prior to 1995. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

Gold and Negative Yielding Debt

Gold and Negative Yielding Debt This chart shows the strong correlation between gold and market capitalization of global negative yielding debt. Negative global yields are a support for gold.

Major Oil Supply Disruptions

Major Oil Supply Disruptions As a reminder, disruptions in the oil market have always led to higher oil prices. Image: BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research

Manufacturing’s Share of the U.S. Economy

Manufacturing’s Share of the U.S. Economy Manufacturing accounts for only 10% of U.S. GDP, but 25% to 45% of the market response. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research