Has the United States Ever Imported a Recession from a Single Foreign Country?

Has the United States Ever Imported a Recession from a Single Foreign Country? The biggest U.S. trade partners are: China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, South Korea, United Kingdom and France. So far, the US has never imported a recession from a single foreign country. A Chinese recession would be bad for the U.S. and the…

Why We Should Not Be Afraid By China’s Debt?

Why We Should Not Be Afraid By China’s Debt? In China, there is a high level of savings and controls on capital outflows. Currently, most of the Chinese savings are lent or invested in China. So, China’s debt reflects the Chinese savings rate. It would be much more worrying if China’s debt led to external debt,…

What Will Cause The Next Recession – Jim O’Neill On The World Economy

What Will Cause The Next Recession – Jim O’Neill On The World Economy What will cause the next recession when “Wall Street indexes predicted nine out of the last five recessions! and its mistakes were beauties.” — Paul Samuelson, 1966 When will the next recession happen? Jim O’Neill, former chief economist at Goldman Sachs, says…