Real S&P 500 Market Doubles

Real S&P 500 Market Doubles Is the U.S. stock market poised for a correction after 100% gain from its March 2020 low? Image: Real Investment Advice

S&P 500 and Deviation Above 200-Day Moving Average

S&P 500 and Deviation Above 200-Day Moving Average The S&P 500 index is currently more than 11% above its 200-day moving average. Is a market correction on the horizon? Image: Real Investment Advice

Returns – S&P 500 Four Year Presidential Cycle

Returns – S&P 500 Four Year Presidential Cycle Is there a risk of a market correction? The S&P 500 is entering what has historically been a period of weakness. Image: BofA Global Research

S&P 500 – Percent Deviation of Price from 75 Week Moving Average

S&P 500 – Percent Deviation of Price from 75 Week Moving Average Is there a market correction on the horizon? It is highly likely that the gap between the S&P 500 Index and its 75-week moving average will close eventually. Image: Real Investment Advice