Cass Freight Shipments Index vs. U.S. GDP

Cass Freight Shipments Index vs. U.S. GDP The Cass Freight Shipments Index is a relative good predictive indicator of the U.S. economy. It suggests a weakness in U.S. GDP in Q2 2019. The Cass Freight Index is a measure of monthly North American freight activity. You may also like “ISM Manufacturing Index vs. Cass Freight Index.”…

ISM Manufacturing Index vs. Cass Freight Index

ISM Manufacturing Index vs. Cass Freight Index The Cass Freight Index (white bar chart) is a measure of monthly North American freight activity. It suggests that the ISM Manufacturing Index (green line) could go lower if the U.S. economic slowdown persists. Image: Greg S.

Who Has the Most To Lose in US-China Trade War?

Who Has the Most To Lose in US-China Trade War? The tariffs are no threat and China has more to lose economically in a trade war. Those numbers are estimates but in reality wrong ones and far too high, according to Ken Fisher. Image: Oxford Economics